Connect Us

COVID-19 Policies

The safety of our kids, their families and our staff is our number one priority, and we are committed to limiting exposure to the Coronavirus.

The safety of our kids, their families and our staff is our number one priority, and we are committed to limiting exposure to the Coronavirus. We will continuously monitor our plans and procedures and will adhere to the guidelines set forth by the CDC and our state, cities and counties.

Please note that we may need to adjust or cancel groups as new information comes to light. If it becomes necessary for us to cancel, we will make every effort to provide as much notice as possible. Refunds will be issued for any missed days of the program.

While part of our mission is to teach kids ways to safely interact during a pandemic, if our staff feels that your child is unable to abide by our safety procedures, they may be removed from the program.

Groups will be limited to 10 kids per age group.

Staff will be health-screened daily using the recommended screening protocol from the CDC and the Colorado Health Department.

Daily health-screening checks will occur at check-in, including taking temperatures.

Parents/guardians must wear masks and keep at least 6 feet distancing from staff, other parents, and other children. Children must wear masks at drop-off.

Children and staff will make their best efforts to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet between one another when not wearing masks (i.e. lunch/snacks).

All staff will wear masks. All staff will wear gloves during any snack times or activities with food.

Staff and participants will follow a stringent hand sanitizing protocol every day. Staff will carry hand sanitizer on them at all times and will distribute it frequently. Staff will sanitize materials and equipment each day after use.

Do not bring your child/children if they have had a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell within the last 10 days. If a child becomes ill during groups, they will be isolated from the group (but still within sight) until a parent or emergency contact can retrieve them.

If a participant or an unvaccinated staff member has had direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, the affected participant will not attend groups and the affected staff member must self-quarantine for at least 14 days.

If a Connect Us staff member or participant tests positive for COVID-19, the program will be canceled and the staff member must self-quarantine for at least 14 days.