When completing registration forms, you will be asked to disclose relevant medical information that will help us keep your child safe. You will also be required to provide your consent to the following: “As a parent or guardian of the participant(s) enrolled in a Connect Us program, I authorize the director or staff member(s) to perform medical treatment for my child as needed. This includes my consent to have Connect Us transport my child to a licensed medical facility should my child’s condition require it. I understand that in such a case, reasonable attempts would first be made to contact me or the contacts I have listed. I acknowledge that each participant assumes all risks, consequences, and potential liability. I hereby release and hold harmless the program site, director, and staff of Connect Us, its employees, volunteers, and any other person, firm or organization charged or chargeable with responsibility or liability from any and all claims by reason of accident, illness, injury, or other consequences arising from participation in a Connect Us program.”